Arthur Gordon's letter on Revival

This letter was written to all those who supported Art Gordon & family with cards, letters, prayers and in many other ways.  It was written when the family still lived in Williamsburg, Ohio.

 February, 1957       

Dear Christian Friends,

My wife and I are rejoicing and praising God for a new IBM electric typewriter.  This machine has proven, and surely will prove, to be a great blessing and help to us.  This typewriter means for me a bit more independence.  To many this might not seem too significant, but to one who has lost all independence, except for the ability to think, it means much.  When the polio bug strikes, and if he does his work thoroughly, the victim finds himself wholly dependent upon others.  As I review my case, I find that I am more or less independent in three ways.  First, I am able to think, as I have already said.  Second, I have learned to turn the pages of books and magazines with a mouthstick, thereby enabling me to read without someone's continual help.  Finally, with the help of my new electric typewriter, I am able to put my thoughts on paper.  As with the turning of the pages, I use my mouthstick to operate the typewriter.  God be praised for these three means of independence.

I would like to take this opportunity, to thank all the many people who have been so kind to us in our time of testing.  We have tried to thank each of you individually, but there have been so many that I fear we may have missed a few.  If this be true, don't think we haven't been thankful, for we have in every instance.  Everything, from the card to the large sum of money, has greatly encouraged us.

REVIVAL, Revival is the word that has been weighing upon my heart heavily, increasingly so, over the past months.  God's people are in need of a spiritual awakening, as never before.  We need a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, that the church might once again be the channel through which the miracle working God can manifest Himself.  What happens to one who is filled with the Holy Spirit, is illustrated in Acts 9:17-20.  Following the apostle Paul's conversion, he was "filled with the Holy Ghost."  Immediately, certain outstanding things happened:  scales fell from his eyes, he received sight, he arose, and was baptized, he ate some food and was strengthened, and he fellowshipped certain days with those of like faith.  Verse 20 goes on to say, that he preached Christ.

If and when we are filled with the Holy Ghost, similar things will become true of us.  The scales of worldly ambitions, worldly possessions, and worldly amusements will fall from our spiritual eyes.  Then, too, we will have a new insight into the wonderful things of God.  We will arise out of our lethargic, inactive state, and the cleansing, promised in I John 1:9, will take place in our lives.  A new desire to feed upon the meat of the Word will take hold of our hearts, which will cause the inner man to become strong.  Also, a new and intense desire to fellowship with those of like faith, will well up in our hearts.  One of the most drastic changes which took place in Paul was that he, who once hated Christ, began to preach Christ.  I firmly believe that when we are filled with this Holy Personality, we, too, can expect a new zeal for the lost individuals around us.  We, too, will begin to use every means at our disposal, to make Christ known.

It goes without saying that this filling will bring opposition from the devil and his cohorts, but we are assured of ultimate victory in Christ.

Let us pray as never before, for a spiritual revival among God's people.

Prayerfully yours          

            Art Gordon