I must confess that my reaction to the storms of life is too often like that of Jesus' disciples on the storm-tossed sea of Galilee (Mark 4:35-41).
They were scared to death. They saw that the situation was beyond their control and feared for their lives. These men were good fishermen and no doubt good boatmen. But here was a situation where something more was needed.
They had One aboard who was equal to the situation. He was Master of both wind and sea. When it came to sailing boats, Jesus permitted the disciples to ply their trade, but when it came to quieting the forces of nature, that was His specialty.
They knew they would certainly perish if something wasn't done, and done quickly. He arose from where He slept and rebuked the wind and calmed the sea.
Then He rebuked the disciples. "Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?"
As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ why do we become so fearful? How is it that we cannot trust Him when the storms of life come our way?
He is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. He knows about our situation, even though possibly for a time it might seem He is insensible to it.
And He cares. He is with us, having promised never to leave us nor forsake us. He will not let us perish.
He is absolutely and completely adequate for every circumstance of life. He knows the end from the beginning. He will help us in due time, in the nick of time. He is full of grace and truth. His grace is sufficient. He giveth more grace -- grace upon grace.
When the storm subsides, we can always look back and see His guiding presence, and we rejoice in the Lord.
But what about the next time? It may well be the same. The storm will look just as threatening and the future just as uncertain; fears and doubts will assail us, although we have the Master aboard.
But we may be assured of this, though we falter and fail a hundred times over, Jesus never fails. I cannot count on my being a tower of strength in future crises, but I can count on my Lord to be strong on my behalf when I am the weakest. He may have to rebuke me for my fears and doubts, but He will never let me go. He has committed Himself to my keeping until I am at last safely home with Him.
What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee (Psalm 56:3).
-- Arthur E. Gordon