TRIUMPH -- 1959 - January

  TRIUMPH -- January 1959

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Let us at this beginning of a new year determine, by the grace of God, to live in obedience to God's Word, expressed thus:  "forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 3:13,14.  Let the failures of the past remain in the past.  May the present and future find us devotedly seeking to know and do our Maker's will, remembering that His will is only accomplished with relationship to His Son.

We want to thank all of you, our friends, for the many remembrances sent to us during the Christmas season.  We appreciate your promise to hold us up in prayer.  The new year would look bleak indeed without your faithful prayer support.  Our God is a "rewarder" of all those who diligently seek Him.


I know not what awaits me
As dawns another year;
The path untrod I cannot see,
Yet knows my heart no fear!
I know not whether long or short
My pilgrimage may be!
I'll daily praise my God in song
For all His love for me.
With joy I greet the year--
It cannot bring me ill
Since Christ my Lord is ever near,
My soul with peace to fill.

-- Sister Tillie Albright


Dear Shut-In

This month by Helen S. Eiler

This message comes from Shut-in-Land, for the writer is your fellow sufferer.  Do not fear being shut in for it is indeed our Lord's way of bringing us into closer communion with Him so that His love and will shall triumph.  Friends, it's wonderful to know a closer walk with Him, and many talents are given to those in affliction that many who are well never see or hear.

This is time allotted to us, to study the Scriptures, to meditate and pray, to help our fellowmen to understand that our Lord has mysterious ways His wonders to perform.  We thought we were very happy when we were up and about, however, there was no glory in our hearts such as we find in Shut-in-Land.  Here we find the true love of our Lord and the unveiling of the heart.

As Job and Paul (both sufferers) triumphed--so can we.  I pray all will stay steadfast and true to our living God.  Indeed, we are chosen and Christian soldiers.  Do not give up; God's promises are true.

Peace and goodwill shall be yours, for our Lord deemed it so.  May our Lord bless and keep you.

In true faith, Lovingly,
Helen S. Eiler

Ed. Note:--Helen Eiler has been used of the Lord in many directions as a shut-in.  Among her numerous accomplishments she is the author of two books of poetry and three sacred songs. She is founder and honorary president of two Shut-In Clubs, has made over 3000 scrap books for shut-ins, and paints with oil.


by Ida A. Guirey

I know a place where mercy waits
To answer every call,
Where wounded hands are reaching out
In wondrous love to all--
A place where sinsick hearts are healed,
And broken hearts made whole--
'Tis at the cross where Jesus gave
Himself for every soul.

I know a place of shelter sweet
Where all is peace and joy,
No foe can reach the spirit there
Not earthly cares annoy--
A hallowed place where glory waits
The seeking soul to greet,
And troubled hearts their burdens lose--
Down low at Jesus's feet.

--The Sunday School Times


by Ralph A. Lenz

Rev. Ralph A. Lenz pastored the Calvary Baptist Church of Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.


IN THIS day of lawlessness and spiritual laxity we ourselves must be careful about being entangled in the snare of the enemy.  One of the prevalent sins to be found among Bible-believing people is the subtle and damaging sin of carnality.  It is a subtle sin in that it creeps into one's life in an insidious way while one is active in a spiritual assembly.  It is damaging because it not only affects the life of the carnal one but it afflicts other lives also as would a contagious disease.  Many churches have been hindered in the service of the Lord because of a carnal spirit within.  In the epistles to the believers at Corinth, the Apostle Paul speaks very plainly about the faults of the believers as he blames them for the weakness of the church testimony there.  He told them that they were converted but carnal, that they were saved but not spiritual.

Carnal is Paul's word for the Adamic nature and for the believer who walks in it (I Corinthians 3:1).  In I Corinthians 2:14,15 he contrasts the other two men of whom the Bible speaks:  the natural man who is unsaved and the spiritual man who is saved and yielded to the Lord.

The Lord shows us through the epistles of Paul that carnality is not caused by unspiritual things one may do but, fundamentally, by a lack of yieldedness to the mind and will of the Lord.  The carnal Christian does unspiritual things because he is carnal or fleshly, i.e. he is led of the flesh.  The spiritual Christian does spiritual things because he is spiritual, i.e. he is led by the Holy Spirit.  In I Corinthians 3 we see important truths for us to heed is we would live spiritual lives and would help others who are walking carnally.

I. Carnal State Rebuked vs. 1-3
II. Carnal State Reviewed v. 4
III. Carnal State Rejected vs. 5-23

I.  THE CARNAL STATE REBUKED.  In verses one  and  two  (of  I Corinthians 3) we see that carnality causes weakness.  Their faith was shallow because the Word was not heeded.  Paul addressed them as "babes in Christ."  They were saved but not spiritual, thus Paul had to feed them the milk of the Word when he should have fed them the meat.  Milk is necessary for new-born babes in Christ but meat is necessary for mature Christians.  (I Peter 2:1-3; cf. Hebrews 5:13).

Carnality also causes wrangling (v. 3).  Their fellowship was strained because their walk was not humble.  Carnality breeds three spirits that disrupt harmony in a church.  It says, "My will is declared--my brother must see it;" this is selfishness.  It says, "My will is decisive--my brother must surrender to it;" this is striving.  It says, "My will is demanded--my brother must separate from it;" this is separating.

Carnality causes a sectarian spirit and Paul warns that believers are to shun such a spirit.  Carnality glorifies the servant; spirituality glorifies the Son.  Carnality follows a leader; spirituality follows the Lord.  Carnality loves a clique; spirituality loves the Christ.  Carnality is led by the philosophy of human speech; spirituality is led by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Carnality heeds the word of sinners; spirituality heeds the Word of the Savior.

III.  THE CARNAL STATE REJECTED.  I Corinthians 3:5-23.
How can a carnal state be rejected?  First, by appropriating the message of the Lord (3:2).  Hear it!  Heed it!  Search out and devour the "meat" of the Word.  Second, by appreciating the ministers of the Lord (3:5-8).  Hear them!  Heed them!  They have brought salvation truths to you (3:5).  They have brought separate talents to you (3:6).  Third, by acquaintance with the ministry of the Lord (3:5-8).  He gives the ministers (3:5); we must receive them.  He generates the message (3:6,7); "God . . . giveth the increase."  He grants the need (3:8); He will reward each servant according to his own labor.

Why must the carnal state be rejected.  Because carnality builds a combustible structure (3:9-15).  Because carnality breeds a corrupt spirit (3:16).


The Highway of Salvation

Thus far did I come laden with my sin;
Nor could aught ease the grief that I was in,
Till I came hither:  what a place is this!
Must here be the beginning of my bliss?
Must here the burden fall from off my back?
Must here the strings that bound it to me crack?
Blest cross! blest sepulchre! blest rather be
The Man that was there put to shame for me!

-- John Bunyan


The Hill - Difficulty

The hill, though high, I covet to ascend;
The difficulty will not me offend,
For I perceive the way to life lies here.
Come, pluck up, heart, let's neither faint nor fear.
Better, though difficult, the right way to go,
Than wrong, though easy, where the end is woe.

-- John Bunyan



Sometimes do we not put the missionary on a pedestal, almost putting him in a super-human classification?  Somehow, we draw the conclusion that when he sets foot on foreign soil a natural immunity transforms him into a walking, talking superman.  We suppose that he becomes, by the magic of being a missionary, a walking Bible-- Spirit-filled--magnificent soul-winner--the perfect man.  We suppose that soul-winning becomes easy, that there is no more temptation to sin, that his life is now one glorious mountain-top experience after another.

If this has been your thinking please reconsider.  There are as many temptations for your missionary as for you---maybe more.  it is just as hard to talk to a soul about Christ there as it is here--no doubt harder.  The flesh fights just as hard to be exalted above the inner man as with us.  Make no mistake, the missionary's life is not lived under a magical charm which wards off all evil.  He knows by experience tormenting temptations to sin, heartache, suffering, fatigue, the battle with spiritual foes, the ridicule of unthankful natives, and sometimes the brunt of their weapons.  If anything, the missionary has a much harder lot than we shall ever know.

Almos Shelly, a friend of mine and missionary to India under The Ceylon and India General Mission, recently wrote in a prayer letter, "I have thought many times of the view of the field at the home end and as we face it in our daily work.  While on furlough we tried to give a picture of hundreds of untouched villages, which is true, and it was a challenge to our own hearts.  But as we daily face the work, there seems to be such a contrast.  Satan tries to blur this vision as we have opportunity to witness to the individual villager who is often dull of understanding, illiterate, sick, and hungry, and who has no concern for sin and its consequences.  When Dr. F. C. Torrey visited India, in one of his messages he mentioned that it is always contrary to the flesh to witness for Christ.  So in spite of the fact that unreached multitudes are a real challenge to our hearts, our daily contact with them is a grim, inch by inch battle.  The flesh needs to be put to death and Satan routed."

Brother Shelly has expressed what I am sure all sincere missionaries have experienced.  It is not all glory as some of us might suppose, but "a grim, inch by inch battle."

Why do I mention this?

That you will begin immediately and continue faithfully to PRAY FOR YOUR MISSIONARIES.  If you are "born-again" I am sure you know of one or more such persons for whom you can intercede.

Almos concludes the above paragraph by saying, "We mention this to remind you that your prayer ministry is a vital part of this battle. . .



by Robert Adams, III

I PRAISE the Lord for a living Savior and for the knowledge that through the shed blood of Jesus Christ I now know that I have eternal life.  There are many passages of Scripture concerning salvation and my favorite is in the tenth chapter of Romans, verses nine and ten:  "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness: and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

It was just fourteen months ago that I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior; and the past year has been the happiest one of my life.

I was practically raised in the church, from the cradle to the present time.  It was rare indeed when I was not in the congregation on Sunday morning.  I served several one-year terms on the church board, sang in the choir for 18 years and was choir president for five years.  For all of this, I knew nothing about the new birth and had never heard of the second coming of Christ.  As I now look back I believe I had been putting up my good deeds against my bad as a way to the door of heaven.  Whenever I thought of heaven or hell I tried my best not to think of it, and transferred by mind to other subjects.

A little over a year ago an evangelist set up his tent a few miles from my home.  I drove past it several times but gave no thought to attending.  However, my wife, who was under conviction at the time, did attend a few of the last meetings, and related much of the gospel to me.  This, together with a tract from the evangelist on what it means to be "born again," led me to see very clearly my need of a Savior.

Within a few days I went to my knees and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, confessed to God that I was a sinner and asked Him to cover my sins with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.  I have never regretted it for one moment.  He is the most precious part of my life.  My wife and two eldest daughters know the Lord also and I have faith to believe that our youngest daughter will be saved when she reaches the age of accountability.

We left the church where we had been members for years and have joined another where the gospel is preached in all its truth.

Let me say in closing that even excluding all the blessings received from the Christian life while here on earth, it is worth everything to have the assurance of life eternal in heaven.




Chapter 4, verses 1-2:
"Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more.  For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus.


WE COME now to the third main point of our outline:  REMINDER.  Paul first reminisced of his first meeting with the Thessalonians; then he was renewed; and finally he reminds them of some practical truth (4:1-2).

He yet has something to say.  His instruction is not yet complete.  He is now to exhort the converts to practical things.  Paul's other epistles also contain this emphasis.  Christianity that doesn't touch the practical side of our lives is not true Christianity.  Christian doctrine is not an unproven theory, but rather, a tried, experienced, practical revelation.  It affects our feet as well as our hearts, our hands as well as our heads.  "Read on, then," says Paul, "I would yet speak of practical matters."

"Furthermore then."  "Then," points back.  In light of the preceding he goes on to these practical teachings.  Immediately preceding he had spoken of the "end" of those who were trusting Christ as Lord and Savior (3:13).  What an end!  Or better, what a beginning!  At the appearing of our dear Lord from heaven we shall be established "unblameable in holiness before God."  Unworthy as we are we shall stand before our Creator without the slightest blame.  And this, on the merits of our Lord Christ who washed our sins away with His precious blood.  What better incentive to live a practical Christianity, then?  With such a glorious prospect before us we "ought to walk and to please God."

"We beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus," says Paul.  Our pleading is not for ourselves nor because of ourselves.  The Lord Jesus:  what He has done and what He has commanded is the sole basis of our plea.  If folks will not live good lives for Christ's sake they need not do it for the preacher.  The people who dust off and display their Bible only when the preacher pays a visit have never stopped to realize that Christ is always present.

Paul reminds them that what he is about to ask, he had already asked of them before.  "As ye have received of us how ye ought to walk," he days, "for ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus."  This that Paul taught was not of his own concoction.  It was of and from the Lord.  And the Lord authorized Paul to preach it.

He speaks to "brethren."  Is it possible that "brethren" would do things displeasing to God?  It is not only possible but pathetically probable.  For proof, just look around.  Better yet, just look within.  How many times have I miserably failed the Lord who bought me!  How many times have I been prompted, not by the Spirit, but by my lustful, self-centered flesh.  And I knew that "they that are in the flesh cannot please God."  Oh, poor, weak, stumbling, tottering "brethren."  Those "brethren" who are walking pleasing to God are those who are Spirit filled and Spirit directed.

Sometimes, I fear, we are more concerned with pleasing man even when to do so brings displeasure to God.  Paul declares that his mission was not to please men but God (Galatians 1:10).  If he could please men while pleasing God, well and good.  But if in pleasing God he displeased men, so let it be.  He was "servant of Christ:"  first, last, and always.  At times this brought the wrath of man upon his head in the form of clubs and stones.  He was jailed on numerous occasions and lashed.  He was cursed and hated.  But he never bowed to the base and unworthy desires of his fellow creatures.  His conscience was tender and sensitive to the gentle proddings of the Holy Spirit in directions which were pleasing to God.

Somewhere in our surrender to Christ we shall be called upon to decide whether we will seek to please men or God.  Shame on the preacher who wishes only to tickle the ears of his parishioners.  Shame on the Sunday school teacher who by-passes divine truth to please his class.  Shame on the layman who fails to witness because he fears for his reputation with his friends.  Shame on the Christian in public service who, in pleasing his constituency, compromises his convictions.  Shame on all of us who think more of man's opinion than God's.

Oh God, make us tender to the promptings of Thy Spirit to walk in paths pleasing to Thee; make us strong to withstand pathways of evil.  Help us to "abound more and more."  By Thy dear Son.  AMEN.



To have my mind so staid on Thee
That naught can take Thy peace from me;
To meet Thee often that I may
Bear forth Thine impress all the day;
To linger in Thy presence, too,
To learn what Thou wouldst have me do;
To seek not all the way to know,
But step by step with Thee to go;
To contemplate Thy love for me,
That I may love and lovely be;
These resolutions that I make
Help me keep, Lord, for Jesus' sake.

-- Cosa Elizabeth Reynolds