TRIUMPH -- 1958 - June

 TRIUMPH -- June 1958

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The American Tract Society has just published another tract for me, its title:  "Are You Absolutely Sure"  It is written with the religious man in view.  It asks of him, "Are you absolutely sure that your religion is sufficient for your need?  Is your religion meeting the needs of this life?  Will it meet the needs of the life to come?"

I have set forth in this tract that Christ is the One, and only One, Who is sufficient for time and eternity.  I would again like to ask your help in getting this little message into the hands of your friends and neighbors.


Brethren, pray for us.  I want our ministry not to be just another work for God, but a Spirit filled, directed, and empowered work--producing fruit.

Your servant for Jesus' sake,

Art Gordon

Dear Shut-In

In speaking to the church of Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11), our blessed Lord said some things that surely must have encouraged the Christians there.  I think, too, these words might serve to encourage us in this present day.

Christ, Who is referred to as "the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive," reminds those suffering saints, that He knows all about their troubles.  He said, "I know thy tribulation and poverty."

Sometimes when the going gets rough we forget there is One Who knows our plight, One Who cares; yea, One Who can deliver and One Who shall reward.

Christ knew all about their troubles but He knew something else and He reminds them of it.  He said, "But thou are rich."  "I know you are poverty stricken, as to this world's goods, but with spiritual things 'thou are rich'."  The man who is wealthy by the world's standards is not truly wealthy.  Only the one who is rich in heavenly graces can be termed truly rich.

"Be thou faithful unto death," Christ enjoins those who are pressed down under a load of suffering.  And then He promises them, "I will give thee a crown of life."

Some have called this the martyr's crown.  I would rather call it the sufferer's crown.  The reward, or Divine recognition, is given to those who remain faithful to Christ through tribulation even to the point of death.

Take heart, suffering one.  Remain true to the One Who purchased your redemption with His own precious blood.  And you will eventually receive His approving smile and His, "Well done."


I have been wondering a lot lately what would be the attitude of the people of this earth toward Jesus Christ if He were walking about in His visible, bodily form.  I am inclined to think that He would be received in much the same manner as He was some 1900 years ago--that is, not at all.

Let me be so bold as to categorize this.

Judaism would reject Him as a blasphemer.  Catholicism would reject Him as a heretic.  Protestantism would reject Him as a fanatic.

"But," answers Judaism, "we accept Him as a great teacher."  Catholicism says, "we recognize Him as our Lord."  And Protestantism adds, "we recognize Him as our Master."  But do they, really?  I think not.

Judaism accepts Him until He claims to be the Son of God, thus making Himself equal with God.  Catholicism receives Him until He lashes out against the traditions of men and strikes at the hierarchy.  Protestantism recognizes Him until He makes too many demands upon the individual and teaches those "bad" words: sin and hell.

They are all willing to share His glory but are they willing to share His cross?  They want His grace but do they want His disgrace?  They gladly receive His riches but what of His poverty?  They glory in the praise but where are they when ridicule is thrown His way?

A young man came to Jesus one day, inquiring about eternal life.  But hearing Jesus' answer the young mane turned away in sadness, for he was very rich.

Another man of means was in the process of building more and bigger barns to hold his produce when his soul was required of him.  He waited one day too long with regard to eternity.

The people of Gadara, having seen the miracle performed on the demon possessed men, bade Jesus to leave their shores.

The crowd, standing before Pilot and hearing his question concerning what to do with Jesus, cried out, "Crucify him, crucify him."

Ultimately, you will have to make YOUR decision as to what you will do with Jesus.  No, He no longer walks on the earth as He once did.  He was crucified and laid in a tomb; He rose from the grave; and He ascended unto the Father's throne.  There He remains to this very moment, a living Savior, awaiting entrance into your life.  You must decide whether you want Him as the Savior and Lord of YOUR life.  The church cannot make this decision for you, neither can your parents, nor can anyone else.

Will you, like those above, turn away--wait too long--bid Him let you alone--cry out, "Crucify him," or will you with the Apostle Thomas reverently say:  "My Lord and my God"?

When many of the disciples of Jesus "went back, and walked no more with him," Jesus turned to the twelve, and asked, "Will ye also go away?"  In answer, Simon Peter said, "Lord, to whom shall we go?  thou hast the words of eternal life."

Let this question come to your own heart, "Will ye also go away?"  I trust your answer will follow the pattern of Peter's reply:  " . . . we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God."  With Thomas, own Him as your Lord and God, this very moment.

Current Events & Comments


John Daly, ABC news reporter, characterized one day's news with these words:  "taxes, death, and war."

It seems to me that most of the current news falls into one or all of these startling categories.

Yet, from the earliest times people have had to support their government by taxes.  There is not much we can do about them, except pay them.

Wars, too, have always been.  There seems to be little we can do to prevent them.  In fact we humans seem to have an uncanny knack in starting same.  

The Bible reminds us that wars will be on the increase as this age in which we live nears its consummation.  As for DEATH, there is something we can do.

If we place an unwavering faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, death has lost a victim.

Does this mean such a one will not die?

Yes, that becomes a strong possibility!  For such a one, Christ's coming is always imminent.  It becomes very possible that for him the trump will sound and he shall be wisked into the air to meet his Lord.

But, should this one be called home before Christ returns, he will find death to have lost its sting.

Whether to fly away at a rapture, or to fall "asleep" with the faithful who have gone before, the believer in Christ has been snatched from the jaws of death.

"O death, where is thy sting?  O grave, where is thy victory . . . Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."  (I Corinthians 15:55,57)


Looking back to Mother's Day and ahead to Father's Day, I dedicate the following poem to two grand people.

My parents are the very best
That God could give to man,
Their love is true, it knows no rest,
Expressed, as parents can.

The way's been hard, the trials sore,
As all good parents know,
But this has only served the more
To cause their love to grow.

When mishap came across my way,
They lent a helping hand,
Though nights were long, and long the day,
They by me took their stand.

I know that I can ne're repay
Them, for their love expressed, 
But with this little poem I say:
"With parents true, I'm blessed."




So worldly minded,
Are we of the earth;
Obsessed with possessions,
With things of slight worth.

So worldly minded,
Though sheep of His fold,
We're ever amassing
The wealth we can't hold.

So worldly minded,
Yet Christ gives command,
To think of Him always,
Each moment at hand.

So worldly minded,
Though once it was true,
Let it be no longer,
The truth about you.


Sermon Series  -  XI

The First Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians - (Continued)

Chapter 2, verses 7,8.

"But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children:  so being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us."



Having declared their pure motives from the negative standpoint, the apostle next declares their pure motives in preaching the gospel at Thessalonica from the "positive" standpoint.  (2:7-12).

The apostle sets forth five distinct marks of proper motive in these verses.  We shall consider the first two in this present study. (2:7,8).


"But we were gentle among you," said the preacher.

The Revised Version of the Bible says in the margin that many old manuscripts have the word "babes" instead of "gentle."  If this is the proper word, the phrase would read, "But we were babes among you."  In other words they were unassuming, claiming no respect for their apostolic position.  They took the inferior position rather than the superior.

But "gentle" could be the word meant, as we read it in the King James translation.  This is one cluster of the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22, where it is termed, "gentleness."

I feel, there is a great lack of this today among fundamental preachers.  Of course the liberal preacher goes to the other extreme and becomes so gentle that he fails to warn people of the coming judgment.  But, on the other hand, many become unduly harsh and coarse in their presentation of coming condemnation.

The story is told of a one-man church.  Candidates for the pulpit were being heard.  An applicant came and preached on the text, "The wicked shall be turned into hell!"  The rich man turned thumbs down on him.

This preacher was followed by another, who by a strange coincidence used the same text.  The rich man said, "He'll do; call him."  Folks were amazed, "why," said they, "he used the same text as the other minister."

"True," replied the rich man, "he preached that the wicked would be turned into hell, all right, but he was oh so sorry; but the other man was glad of it."

Jesus Christ spoke much of hell and condemnation, but He wept over the sheep which had no shepherd; He had compassion toward the lost multitudes.

The apostle, in the present text, uses to illustrate this truth the nurse's love and tender care for her own children.  A nurse might use a strange baby roughly and without too much concern, but her own child will receive from her the tenderness and gentleness of a mother.

Even as the devoted mother warms and nourishes her child, so Paul and his co-workers lavished upon the Thessalonian converts their warm and sincere love, and nourished them with the "milk" of the Word of God.


The apostle declared that they were "affectionately desirous" of the Thessalonians.

This is just a more vigorous and a stronger expression of what was already said in verse seven.  He is saying here, "So being filled with earnest love for you," etc.

It is not natural for a man to go into a strange city, among strange people and have such an intense love for them.  Yet, missionaries today tell us the same thing.  They too have an intense love for the people they minister to, people they have never seen, and with whom they have very little in common.  How then can this be?  It cannot be, on the human level.  The apostle Paul in his book of Romans gives us the answer, "the love of God (toward others even of a different country, color and culture) is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us"  (Romans 5:5).  We have a Divine Person living in us Who will love through us as we permit Him to do so.

The preachers had such love for these people that it resulted in their being willing to do two things for them.  The first was to preach the gospel unto them.

We have those who are continually affirming their love for the human race, and yet very rarely if ever do they give to them the good news of God.  They will expend much energy to give them food and clothing, which is good, but never do they tell them how to be reconciled to God so that they might be (spiritually) filled and clothed for eternity.  Oh that we had more people who would express their love for their neighbor by giving him the Word of life.  But we cannot have this soul possessing love for others until we are filled with the Spirit of love.  As we pour out our heart in love to God, He will in turn fill us with a love for others that will tell them the gospel story.

The love of these preachers for the people of Thessalonica resulted in their being willing to do a second thing for them.  He said that they were not only willing to impart (or share) the "gospel of God,"  "but also our own souls."

They were willing to go the second mile for the sake of these lost people.  They were willing even to give up their own lives that these might have eternal life.

If there is a scarcity of folks who will tell others the good news of salvation through Christ, surely there is much more of a scarcity of those who would give their lives in doing so.  If we were willing, however, as were the apostles, to spend and be spent, to suffer and even die, for the gospel of God and the souls of lost men, we would surely win others to Christ.  But too often we fall far short of this kind of love.

Not only are we not willing, to give our lives that others might be saved, but we are not even willing to give up other, little non-essentials, for this glorious ministry.  The home fires are too inviting.  The sacrifice of job and friends is too great.  The life of luxury is too satisfying.

Paul says, in another place, "I count all things but loss for the . . . knowledge of Christ Jesus," and again, "I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren."  May we thus account the things of this world and thus love the souls of our fellow humans.  May we care little for this world's goods and care much for eternal souls all about us.  May we be laying up treasures in heaven where moth and rust cannot corrupt.

From the Pastor's Pen

by Rev. J. Donald Pierce, Pastor Community Baptist Church, Montoursville, PA


"This same Jesus shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven"  (Acts 1:11). "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Matthew 24:37).

We hear much today of the fear that is in man's heart:  the fear that he will destroy himself.  I am glad there is no fear to one who is trusting Jesus Christ as Savior.

A careful study of the Bible will prove to us that we are living in the days prior to Christ's coming.  Jesus Himself said there would be signs prior to His coming and when ye see these, be ye ready for ye know not when your Lord cometh.

I would like to show you from God's Word some reasons why I believe Christ's return will be soon.  (Read Genesis 6:1-5)

(1)   The increase in the population, (Genesis 6:1).  "Men began to multiply on the face of the earth."  The same situation exists today.

Some feel that this is due to the past war, but it has been over for more than ten years.  Still, there is a tremendous building program being carried on for both homes and schools.  The Lord Jesus said that just as surely as when ye see the leaves begin to appear on the trees you know that summer is nigh, so shall ye know the near approach of the Son of man.

(2)   Men, taken up with the desires of the flesh.  "They took them wives of all which they chose" (Genesis 6:2.  Cf. Matthew 24:37,38 & Luke 17:26,27).

Again, the same is true today.  Marrying and giving in marriage, eating and drinking (if it is the right kind) are not in themselves harmful but when God is left out they invite the judgment of God.

The Word says, "(they) knew not until the flood came, and took them all away" (Matthew 24:39).  Why did they not know?  For the very same reason many will be unaware of Christ's coming:  they believed not His Word.  Noah, according to 2 Peter 2:5, was a preacher of righteousness.  Before the flood, the people were warned for one hundred and twenty years.  Today, the gospel is reaching farther than ever before, but there is no great turning to the Lord.

(3)   Men, seeking prestige and power or to be recognized for great exploits.  "The same became might men which were of old, men of renoun" (Genesis 6:4).

Strong says, "this word 'renoun' carries the idea of a definite and conspicuous position."  In other words, a desire to be recognized for their accomplishments even though with some of the means they employ, God has certainly been displeased.

(4)   The wickedness of man "God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth" (Genesis 6:5).

Through the newspaper, radio and television we continually learn of the wickedness of man.  Crime waves are greatly increasing.  It behooves us as Christians to look up, for our redemption draweth nigh.  The day is far spent and The Bright and Morning Star will soon appear.

Perhaps you are saying that that is a dark picture.  For the one outside of Christ it is, but if you will turn to the One who said He was the Light of the world, and accept Him, you can be prepared for His return.

To those of us who know Him, let us be faithful witnesses that others may rejoice at His coming.

Testimony Time

by J. Donald Pierce


I would like to tell you how my life was changed from trusting in church membership and good works to faith in a living Savior.  All the praise belongs to the Lord, for it was all by grace (Titus 3:5).

I was the youngest of a rather large family, eight in all.  As well as I can remember we were sent to Sunday school regularly.  However, I do not recall anyone pointing out to me the fact that, "Ye must be born again."  I was always taught respect for God's house and to be good, but I never realized that I must accept Christ as my personal Savior if I wanted to go to heaven.  As a result I grew to young manhood a religious but lost sinner.

Then one day I met a certain young girl (who is now my wife), and after going with her for some time I asked her to be my wife.  Because of her religious convictions she could not accept my proposal.  She had accepted Christ and realized, according to the Word, that a Christian should not be unequally yoked together with an unbeliever.  This set me to thinking.  I consulted my pastor and later attended evangelistic meetings where I was supposedly saved.  However, there was not the change that is spoken of in 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Some time later we were married and I became very active in the church.  I served as a member of the board of the church and even taught a Sunday school class.  Then the war came and I had to serve along with a lot of others.  How I thank God for sparing my life during those years and for bringing me safely home again, for I believe it was a manifestation of His mercy.

After discharge I seemed restless.  I tried becoming active in the church again but I never had real peace in my heart.  At the insistence of my wife we started spending our Saturday evenings at "Youth for Christ," where the gospel was preached.  God began to speak to my heart and I experienced great conviction.

Then one day the editor of this paper (Brother Art Gordon) gave me a book to read entitled, "The Mark of the Beast."  I had read only a few pages of it when I realized I needed to prepare to meet Christ.  The next day on my way home from work I began to sing, "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart."  But immediately, I realized He did not live in my heart and I had no right to sing the song.

There in my car I took Jesus as my Savior and 2 Corinthians 5:17 became a reality to me.  I was truly a "new creature in Christ."  I am now a minister of the gospel.

Surely, God is faithful and He has promised to save you if you will but trust Him.


 The Unbeliever                                      The Believer
1. Dead in sin (Ephesians 2:1)                  1. Dead to sin (I Peter 2:24)
2. Under God's wrath (Eph. 2:3)        2. Saved from wrath (Rom. 5:9)
3. Without God (Ephesians 2:12)               3. Near to God (Eph. 2:13)
4. Under condemnation (John 3:16)  4. Free from judgment (Jn 5:24)
5. Blinded by Satan (II Cor. 4:4)       5. No longer blind (II Cor. 3:16)
6. A child of Satan (John 8:44)               6. A child of God (Gal. 3:26)
7. Eternally lost (John 3:36                   7. Eternally saved (John 3:16)
8. Certain of hell (Rev. 21:8)            8. Certain of heaven(II Tim4:18)
9. Awaiting judgment (Heb. 9:27)         9. Awaiting glory (Titus 2:13)
10. Solemnly warned (Rev.20:15)  10. Gloriously assured(I Pet1:3-5)

-- From "3000 Illustrations For Christian Service."