TRIUMPH -- First Issue August 1957
As you read this small devotional paper, it is my desire that something from its pages will prove to be a blessing to your heart. Since polio has deprived me of the work I love to do, that of preaching the Word from behind the sacred desk, I trust that this small effort to serve Christ will bear fruit for the Kingdom. As this is my first attempt in such a project, please bear with me and excuse the errors which are bound to occur.
If you receive a blessing, and should so desire, I would appreciate your passing this paper to someone else. If there are those whom you would like to receive a copy regularly, send their name and address, clearly printed, to: Rev. Arthur E. Gordon (address no longer valid but you may post a comment on this blog and pass the blog address on to others.
There will be no charge for my little paper as long as the Lord supplies the need. If He should fail to supply, then of course, the paper will be discontinued. But I am sure you know, as do I, that our Lord always supplies every need of His children, even more than we could ask or even think.
Any letter of encouragement or helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanking you in advance.
Dear Shut-in
God bless you! It is to you that I dedicate this paper. Being somewhat of a shut-in myself my heart goes out to you. I am praying that this paper will be an encouragement as it comes into your room of affliction.
I wonder, have you been praying for God's healing hand to touch your ailing body? and as yet nothing has happened? If this is true I want you to stop a moment and re-evaluate your condition in the light of God's Word.
The apostle Paul had some kind of ailment for which he was greatly concerned. So much so that he prayed earnestly three times for the healing of this "thorn in the flesh." But, I want you to note God's answer to Paul's prayers. And in fact God's answer to your prayers if as yet, He hasn't seen fit to raise you up. The Lord said: "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." If the Lord does not immediately heal upon your request you can be sure He will give sufficient grace to bear your trial. His strength will become your strength as you yield to His will.
I fear too often we trust in our own strength, our own ability, our own wisdom, and not until we lose our own strength do we learn the lesson of complete dependence upon the God of grace.
Beloved, if you have been fretting over your condition and even questioning God's goodness, cease as of now and place an unswerving trust in the God Who promises sufficient grace for every trial.
I speak from experience. For God's grace and strength have been more than sufficient for my every need.
Prayerfully yours, Art Gordon
Current Events & Comments
". . . The favorite pastime of the American people is dirty jokes. The American people are more preoccupied with sex and more frightened of it than any others. We're just an obscene people." This is part of a statement made by the author, Philip Wylie, upon being informed of the Supreme Court's decision upholding state laws against obscenity. How true Mr. Wylie's statement is I cannot say but I am afraid it is nearer the truth than many of us would like to admit. What an indictment against a nation which is supposed to be Christian. We, like the ancient city Ninevah, need to repent and turn back to God.
"During the International Geophysical Year, which started the first of July, more than 10,000 scientists backed by something like $500 million will give the earth a long, complex, intent going over . . . When the IGY is over on New Year's Day 1959, scientists may have discovered many new things about the earth and its neighbors in space. The chances are, however, that they will not know very much more than they did before." (Time 7/4/57) How glad I am that we can know the One who has made all these mysteries surrounding our globe which the scientists would like to discover. I believe one of the glories of Heaven will be learning more about the great things which God has made. If you do not know this God as yet, you may know Him by placing your faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.
What about the ministry of Billy Graham? There has been much criticism, especially during his recent campaign in New York, by leaders among the Fundamentalists. They say he compromises with Modernists. Rather, I believe the opposite is true, the Modernists are compromising with him. To my knowledge he has never once "watered-down" his message to please an individual or a group of individuals. Therefore, who is compromising with whom? His critics also take him to task concerning his follow-up ministry. And it is true that some of the converts go back to their Modernistic churches to do their worshipping. It is also true that many of his critics' converts do the same thing. But let me ask, what about all those who go back to Gospel preaching churches, those who because of their new-found faith, become zealous witnesses for Christ? Must Billy cease his evangelistic ministry because some of the converts to not prove true? If so, what of the thousands who do become radiant Christians? Personally, I happen to know one who accepted Christ under Billy Graham's ministry and he has proven true for the past eleven years. Ought we not to heed the Scriptural admonition, "Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yes, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand." (Rom. 14:4)
The Good News
The word "gospel" in the Bible means "good news." And indeed it is "good news" when we consider what the "good news" is referring to. In I Corinthians 15:1-4 the apostle, inspired of God, writes clearly and forcibly just what the "gospel" or the "good news" is. "I declare unto you the gospel," says Paul, ". . . how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures." Too often, I fear, the word "gospel" is given a different connotation than the Scriptural one. But remember, the "gospel" means "good news," and the "good news" is that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again from the dead.
What better news could we hell-deserving-sinners receive than this that Christ bore our punishment, He paid the penalty for our sins? With the song writer we say, "Hallelujah! What A Savior."
Dear Reader, have you as yet come to Christ: recognizing yourself as a sinner, recognizing yourself as lost because of your sin, and recognizing Jesus Christ as your only Savior from sin? Do today what that "still, small voice" says you must do eventually or perish.
*** Read the Gospel of John for a clear presentation of God's plan of salvation. Especially note such portions as: John 1:12, 3:16-18, 3:36, 5:24, 10:9, 14:6, 17:3, 20;31, etc. ***
Good works will not save you---Believe on the Lord Jesus and be saved.
Sermon Series
The First Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians -
I want to begin a series of messages on the Epistle of I Thessalonians. Having studied this letter rather thoroughly, I have found it to be rich indeed in spiritual food. I trust you, too, will find it so as we move slowly through its eternal truths. My purpose is not to see how quickly we can finish this Epistle, but to go slowly, verse-by-verse, and even at times phrase-by-phrase and word-by-word. May God speak to our hearts as we consider His Word together.
Letter As A Whole --
Before we look at the verses minutely let us take a quick look at the Letter as a whole. I have divided the Epistle into three main points. Others divide it differently of course, but this division is adequate for our purpose. Beside the three points there is a salutation and a conclusion. The broad outline is as follows:
Salutation Ch. 1 Vs. 1
I. Reminiscence 1:2 - 2:16
II. Renewal 2:17 - 3:13
III. Reminder 4:1 - 5:22
Conclusion 5:23 - 5:28
A preview of what is to come under each of our main points might be profitable at this time.
Reminiscence --
In under this first point the apostle speaks of the character of the Thessalonians. He talks of the days when he and they first met. Paul had come into the city of Thessalonica preaching the Gospel and many believed in Christ. Their works after they believed proved worthy of the Lord. They received the word of the apostle as from God Himself. Their example was felt throughout the whole of Macedonia. Paul remembers all of these fine features of the Thessalonians and he talks about them in the first chapter.
Then, in part of the second chapter he reminisces with them concerning the character of the preachers at that first time of meeting. He declares that they were bold, that they came not in guile, they sought not man's glory, they were gentle and affectionate; laboring night and day they remained holy, just and unblameable.
The apostle seems to have a tender place in his heart for the Thessalonian Christians. He speaks with real warmth as he recalls those days when he preached and they believed. Should not this always be the case with the convert and the worker? It seems only natural to be that way. I know that I have a tender spot in my heart for those it was my privilege to lead to Christ. I trust that they have a similar feeling toward me. How about your converts, or have you any?
Renewal --
In under the second point the apostle speaks of his desire to renew his old acquaintances at Thessalonica. The reason he was so desirous to renew acquaintance with them was that they were going through many hard trials and afflictions and he was anxious to know how they faired. Since it was impossible for him to go and renew them, he sent Timothy his co-laborer. When Timothy returned with the good report of their strong faith even with all their afflictions, Paul's joy was renewed. This joy was expressed by his being comforted and in his giving of thanks. After renewing acquaintanceship through Timothy and, thus, having his joy renewed, Paul then had renewed confidence in God Who was still working in the Christians at Thessalonica.
Reminder --
In under the third point the apostle reminds them of certain things which they are obligated to do and to remember. Many of these things had been explained at their first meeting but, in the mean time, had been misinterpreted by some of the people and as a result he had to remind them again of those things. First he reminds them to maintain a correct walk as Christians, to love the brethren, which they had been doing but he wants them to abound more and more. Then he explains to them the condition of those who have died in Christ, that it is not a hopeless condition at all. Also he explains more concerning the second coming of Christ. Finally he ends with some duties of the church: toward man and toward God.
With this general picture of the Epistle of I Thessalonians we will conclude our message for this month. In the next issue of TRIUMPH we will begin at verse one with our minute, verse-by-verse study, and continue through the Epistle in this manner.
*** I would suggest that you read I Thessalonians along with the above material. The material will become more meaningful if you will do this. Read the Epistle slowly and thoughtfully. ***
From the Pastor's Pen by Harry W. Rickards, Jr., Former Pastor, Grace Baptist Church in Russellville, PA
The picture of marriage is used by the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures to show us the highest conception of New Testament living. In marriage we have two persons, a man and a woman, giving themselves to each other to live as one; to share things; to have all things in common; to separate from all others and to belong only to each other. This picture is given to us in the Scriptures as we read that we, saved by faith in Christ, are His bride and He is our bridegroom.
Marriage is a life of loving communion, and we must remember that love is never satisfied with "things." Love demands a lover! And, so with our Bridegroom. He is not satisfied with "things." Christian, you who are His Bride, you must learn this all important truth! We are living in a Christian age when much emphasis is placed on "activities," on "doing," on giving Him "things," when all the time He is asking for your love, your adoration, your devotion.
A young couple, in love with each other, yet separated by distance must be satisfied with the exchanging of "things" between them. Yet, this is a very unsatisfying love life, for "things" cannot satisfy love. There is no close intimate communion; no oneness between them; no day by day communion as they walk together, sharing all things together in a life FOR each other and WITH each other.
Will you take your Bible and turn to The Song of Solomon Chapter two, verse fourteen? Here, in symbol form, we have this beautiful truth expressed. Here in this Book, the King is a picture of Christ and the girl whom he loves is you and me. In the fourteenth verse of the second chapter He addresses her: "O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely." What is the King of kings, our Lord Jesus saying here? Just this; "Let me see your face and hear your voice. For your voice is sweet and your face is lovely."
May I ask you something, Dear Reader, when was the last time you "talked" with Him, letting Him hear your voice? I do not mean a "now I lay me down to sleep prayer" in the morning or evening. When was the last time you talked with Him as the Bride to the Bridegroom? When did you last tell Him that you loved Him? Do you have a longing in your heart just to spend time with Him; to talk with Him; to tell Him that you love Him? He is far more anxious for you to lift your face to Him in loving communion than He is for you to rush about getting "things" for Him. We repeat again; "Love is not satisfied with things --Love demands a lover!"
I believe the heart of our Lord is "heavy" this day in which we live because the Bride is so busy rushing around doing "things" that she has not time to spend with her Bridegroom. This is a poor relationship in an earthly marriage and a very, vary sad spiritual relationship in our life with Him.
Will you put first things first? Will you stop and realize that more than anything else, He desires to hear your voice and to see your face? Lift your face to Him often and speak to Him. Your countenance is lovely and your voice is sweet to the Lord Jesus Christ, your Bridegroom.
Spurgeon Speaks
On Psalm 46:1: " 'God is our refuge and strength' not our armies, or our fortresses. Israel's boast is in Jehovah, the only living and true God. Others vaunt their impregnable castles, placed on inaccessible rocks and secured with gates of iron, but God is a far better refuge from distress than all these: and when the time comes to carry the war into the enemy's territories, the Lord stands his people in better stead than all the valor of legions or the boasted strength of chariot and horse. Soldiers of the cross, remember this, and count yourself safe, and make yourself strong in God . . . God alone is our all in all. All other refuges are refuges of lies, all other strength is weakness, for power belongeth unto God: but as God is all-sufficient, our defense and might are equal to all emergencies.
'A very present help in trouble' for in distresses he has so been found, he has been tried and proved by his people. He never withdraws himself from his afflicted. He is their help, truly, effectually, constantly; he is present or near them, close at their side and ready for their succor, . . he is more present than friend or relative can be, yea, more nearly present than even the trouble itself. To all this comfortable truth is added the consideration that his assistance comes at the needed time. He is not as the swallows that leave us in the winter; he is a friend in need and a friend indeed. When it is very dark with us, let brave spirits say, 'Come, let us sing the forty-sixth Psalm.'
'A fortress firm and steadfast rock,
Is God in time of danger;
A shield and sword in every shock,
From foe well-known or stranger. ' "
-- C. H. Spurgeon --
"Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe,
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow."
Talk to God about your neighbors, and talk to your neighbors about God.
Please Pray:
for this paper as it goes into nearly a thousand homes that it might accomplish the purpose as stated on the cover page.
that the needed funds for this publication might be supplied.