TRIUMPH -- 1959 - February

  TRIUMPH -- February 1959

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How often have you seen the verse on the front of TRIUMPH, and yet have not seen it?  This verse was not chosen at random from among a number of verses but was carefully chosen to convey a message to all who might read it.  As many people put emphasis upon the "us" in this verse I want you to note God's emphasis:  "Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ."  Oh, if we could but learn this truth and learn it well.  We ARE NOTHING in ourselves.  If we have anything or can do anything it is ALL of God.  If we triumph it is of Him; all glory must go to Him.

Many times the New Testament uses the phrase, "In Christ."  In this verse it occurs again.  "God . . . causeth us to triumph in Christ."  Oh, glorious victory.  Had it not been for Christ our Savior we would be, at best, poor, weak, miserable creatures.  To be "in Christ," makes the difference between victory and defeat, triumph and tragedy.

Any triumph achieved by self effort will be short-lived.  If we manage to triumph until death in only our own energy, eternity at last will prove it vain.  Not so, that triumph experienced from God in Christ.

As Christ has triumphed over Satan--so, we "in Christ" have been transformed from creatures of darkness into creatures of light.  As Christ has triumphed over sin--so, we "in Christ" have been delivered from sin's penalty and power and, one day, its presence.  As Christ has triumphed over the world--so, we "in Christ" are still in the world but not of it.  As Christ has triumphed over death--so, we "in Christ" have escaped its sting.  As Christ has risen triumphantly--so, we "in Christ" have arisen to newness of life.

Are you OUT of Christ?  Seek Him immediately, for He is your only hope of real victory here and your only hope of heaven later.  Are you "in Christ?"  Be content, even though your lot be hard.  He is your victory; you shall triumph in Him.  Abraham gained the victory over his circumstances as "he looked for a city . . . whose builder and maker is God."  Moses "endured, as seeing him who is invisible, choosing to suffer affliction with the people of God, for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward."


A pilgrim though I be,
Christ makes a place for me;
Though in this life I roam,
He yet shall take me home.



This month from "Morning and Evening" by Charles H. Spurgeon.

WHY was Christ chosen out of the people?  Speak, my heart, for heart-thoughts are best.  Was it not that He might be able to be our brother in the blest tie of kindred blood?  Oh, what relationship there is between Christ and the believer!  The believer can say, "I have a Brother in heaven; I may be poor, but I have a Brother who is rich, and is a King, and will He suffer me to want while He is on His throne?  Oh, no!  He loves me; He is my brother."

Believer, wear this blessed thought, like a necklace of diamonds, around the neck of thy memory; put it, as a golden ring, on the finger of recollection, and use it as the King's own seal, stamping the petitions of thy faith with confidence of success.  He is a brother born for adversity, treat Him as such.

Christ was also chosen out of the people that He might know our wants and sympathize with us.  He was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin."  In all our sorrows we have His sympathy.  Temptation, pain, disappointment, weakness, weariness, poverty--He knows them all, for He has felt all.  Remember this, Christian, and let it comfort thee.  However difficult and painful thy road, it is marked by the footsteps of thy Saviour; and even when thou reachest the dark valley of the shadow of death, and the deep waters of the swelling Jordan, thou wilt find His footprints there.  In all places whithersoever we go, He has been our forerunner; each burden we have to carry, has once been laid on the shoulders of Immanuel.

"His way was much rougher and darker than mine;
Did Christ, my Lord, suffer, and shall I repine?"

Take courage!  Royal feet have left a blood-red track upon the road, and consecrated the thorny path for ever.


If Jesus Came To Your House

If Jesus came to your house to spend a day or two--
If He came unexpectedly, I wonder what you'd do.
Oh, I know you'd give your nicest room to such an honored guest,
And all the food you'd serve to Him would be the very best,
But--when you saw Him coming, would you meet Him at the door
With arms outstretched in welcome to your heavenly visitor?
Or would you have to change your clothes before you let Him in,
And you would keep assuring Him you're glad to have Him there--
That serving Him in your own home is joy beyond compare.
Or hide some magazines and put the Bible where they'd been?
Would you turn off the radio and hope He hadn't heard,
And wish you hadn't uttered that last, loud, nasty word?
Would you hide your worldly books and put some hymnbooks out?
Could you let Jesus walk right in, Or would you rush about?
And I wonder if the Saviour spent a day or two with you,
Would you go right on doing the things you always do?
Would you keep right on saying the things you always say?
Would life for you continue as it does from day to day?
Would your family conversation keep up its usual pace,
And would you find it hard each meal to say a table grace?
Would you sing the songs you always sing, read the books you read
And let Him know the things on which your mind and spirit feed?
Would you take Jesus with you everywhere you'd planned to go,
Or would you maybe change your plans for just a day or so?
Would you be glad to have Him meet your very closest friends,
Or would you hope they'd stay away until His visit ends?
Would you be glad to have Him stay forever on and on,
Or would you sigh with great relief when He at last is gone?
It might be interesting to know the things that you would do
If Jesus Christ in Person came to spend some time with you.
-- Grace Baptist Church Bulletin



THE news has been filled with reports of damaging flood waters in many parts of the U.S.  The melting snow and torrential rains have swollen the waters till they have burst over their banks, swept into the towns, bringing much loss of property and even life.  One cannot imagine the grief which must possess many hearts as everything they owned has been swept away or damaged beyond repair.  It is hard to think of a lifetime of work and sacrifice taken away in a moment of time.

Our sympathy goes out to you dear folk in the flood areas of our country.  We feel with you in this time of trouble.  You may be assured of our prayers to the One who knows all about us and cares for us.

Is there a lesson we can learn from this catastrophe?  I think so.  At times, and sometimes frequently, the enemy comes in like a flood.  But, as we look heavenward we cannot but be overwhelmed by the LOVE OF GOD which bursts forth like the flood and comes pouring down on us as torrents of rain.  Who can fathom the depths of His love?  What grief or misfortune can withstand this love of God in Christ Jesus?

"Many waters cannot quench love," declares the Book, "neither can the floods drown it."  When all else leaves us, the love of God remains our stay.  The very flood waters themselves, as destructive as they are, can never destroy the love of God for us nor yet our love for Him.  "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?  Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?  Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.  (Nothing) shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:35,37,39b).

When floods of sorrow overwhelm us,
And we're sinking in despair,
Remember, child, God watches o'er us,
He doth love us, He doth care.



Is it important or isn't it??  If it is, then by all means Christians should attend it.  If it isn't, then to attend or not makes little difference.  

But, I think most Christians, that is--real Christians, will agree that the prayer meeting is an important part of the church.  Let me ask, then, "Why is this service so poorly attended in so many churches?"

Even a superficial reading of our Guide-Book, the Bible, ought to be enough to convince us that prayer--yes--the prayer meeting is most important.

The early church in the days of the apostles set a high example as they met daily and from house to house to remember the Lord's death with the breaking of bread and prayer.

Even today there are Christians who by their example have challenged us to better things.  One such group of Christians is found in Korea (July TRIUMPH '58).  In other places too, and even those whom we consider heathen, because of the color of their skin or their modest livelihood, have set an example in this line.  Even the country that we generally consider our enemy has, I am sure, many meetings of sincere Christians where they agree together in earnest, fervent prayer.

But what of prosperous, enlightened, Christian (?) America?  Where are the Christians of the U.S. on Wednesday night?

I fear, that many non-essentials have taken precedence over the prayer meeting.

"But," replies a sincere pastor, "we have big crowds attending our mid-week service."  But a few questions soon reveal the reason for this.  In many instances where the crowd is large for the mid-week service it turns out not to be a prayer meeting at all, but just a MID-WEEK SERVICE.  In fact there is little difference between it and the Sunday morning service.  A prayer is made by the pastor at the beginning and another at the close by one of the deacons.

What has happened to us who call ourselves Christians?  Maybe one reason for our lack of concern to pray, while others in other countries still glory in this great privilege, is that we have become so self-sufficient.  We have amassed to ourselves possessions beyond number, power and knowledge, and as a result we have grown big in our own eyes, and God has grown small.  In other words we have ceased to meet for prayer because we have ceased to need God.  We are saying, if not in word, at least with our actions, that we are big enough to care for ourselves.

That was the attitude of the Koreans many years ago until the Japanese came storming in and conquered their land.  Then they saw that they were not so self-sufficient and turned to God in prayer.

Do we Christians of America have to be knocked to our knees before we return to our God in humble prayer?  I trust not.

Please attend your church prayer meeting THIS week.



By Mary Adams

HOW I rejoice in this opportunity to express the praise that is in my heart for my wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ.

I came to know the Lord Jesus as my personal Savior a few weeks after my husband.  (for Bob Adams' testimony see January "TRIUMPH." )  I too, as he, had always attended church, sang in the choir, and participated in church activities.  And although I had learned and even believed (but with only a head knowledge) that Jesus truly was the Son of God, and that He died on the cross to save the whole world from their sins, I had no assurance of going to heaven.

My wanting to be morally good and to raise my children the same, led me to read Bible stories to them.  I became more interested in God's Word and went from those stories to others, and finally to the Bible itself.  I came to the place I couldn't stop reading.  My housework and many other things went undone.  After the birth of my third baby and for a period of about ten months I spent the largest part of each day, and even until 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, reading the Bible.  My husband and some loved ones saw a real change in my life and my speech.  I told my husband of my new interest and it was about this time he too had become interested.  Since my thoughts and interests had been so utterly redirected some of my friends began to say that I must have gotten saved.  I began to think so too.  Thus, in public, at a church board meeting, I gave a testimony of my salvation, saying that it was wonderful to have such a change come into one's life.  But alas!  A few days later I began again to wonder about knowing for-a-fact that I was going to heaven some day, even with all this change.

In the mean time I had attended some evangelistic services in a tent meeting near my home.  I told my husband of those things which I had heard.  Through this means and by reading some of the evangelist's literature my husband learned the simple plan of salvation.  He accepted Jesus as his Savior.  Now I was really worried about my soul.  My husband was assured of his salvation and I wasn't, even though I was the one who had given testimony to the fact just previously.

One day while talking and crying about it to my husband, I said, "It just isn't fair for you to know while I don't."  To this, Bob said, "Honey, did you ever admit to God that you are a sinner, and tell Him you would receive His Son as your Savior?"  Much to my surprise I really hadn't; I just took for granted that God knew that I was a sinner and that I believed on His Son.  Finally, though dinner had to wait, I went to my knees and told God that I knew I was a sinner, both by practice and by birth.  I also told Him that I believed with all my heart that He sent Jesus to shed His blood for me, and that I then received Him as my Savior.

After I finished praying I wandered around the house for nearly 3 hours just waiting to shout, sing, cry or at least DO something.  But nothing like this happened.  In desperation I went to the Bible and there read again the words. "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth . . . and believe in thine heart . . . thou shalt be saved," and again, "the Lord . . . is rich unto all that call upon him."

I had been expecting some emotional outburst, and all God wanted was for me to accept His promise:  "thou shalt be saved."  I again dropped to my knees and confessed my mistake to God, who "is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."  I told Him I no longer doubted, but knew I was saved, simply because He said He would save me if I would repent of my sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as the full atonement for my sins.  I then thanked Him for saving my soul.  I arose from my knees to prepare a very late dinner.

Since then I have never doubted, and I have known "joy unspeakable," for God has made me a new creation in Christ.  Now I can say I know I am saved, for:  "these are written that ye might know that ye have eternal life." (John 20:31)



Chapter 4, verses 3-8

"For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:  that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God:  that no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter:  because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified.  For God  hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.  He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given us his Holy Spirit."


THE Apostle Paul, having reminisced and been renewed, reminds his converts in Thessalonica of several basic, practical truths of the Christian faith.  He had already taught them concerning these things, still they (like us) need this REMINDER.

This study concerns holiness as opposed to uncleanness in taking a wife.  (vs. 3-8)

"This is the will of God."  But, who cares about that?  Observation would show very few who care.  But I, for one, care.  And there is a remnant yet who cares for the Lord's will.  In Noah's day the remnant got as small as eight souls, yet there they were:  vitally interested in what God had to say.  You may have to use a microscope to find them today but if you desire, you can still find some who want, more than anything else, the will of God to be done.

God's will is "your sanctification."  Sanctification is not a mysterious word as has been implied by some.  Its basic meaning has to do with separation.  And generally it has to do with something or someone being separated unto God.  Where once we were dedicated to other things--usually temporal, now we are wholly dedicated to God.  To be thus dedicated means also that we desire and try, with the help of God, to live holily, justly, and unblameably in this present life.

Who can honestly say, "I am now sanctified wholly?"  Rather than a once-for-all, climactic experience of sanctification, the Christian will find that to discover and conquer one spiritual frontier only brings another into view--one yet to be conquered.  Thus, we "grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ;" and we proceed "from grace to grace."  Paul, in our context, expresses it thus, "so ye would abound more and more."

More specifically, God's will for you is that you "should abstain from fornication."  Paul gets down to cases.  If we are to be separated unto God, surely this means we must be separated from sin.  But why stop with that?  If separated to God from sin, then surely we must separate from fornication.  The city of Thessalonica was rife with this sin, where even their religion gave sanction to it.  But Paul reminds them, and us, that the Christian has higher standards (much higher in fact).

"The strongest drive in a human being is the sexual," said one of my seminary professors.  He also added, "Man is powerless in himself to resist the temptation of sexual lust."  What then can we do to escape such a powerful foe?  We must do as did Joseph of old when Potiphar's wife "cast her eyes upon him," tempting him to sin with her.  Joseph did what only was left to do.  The account says, "he left his garment (which she had grabbed) in her hand, AND FLED, and GOT HIM OUT."  Paul admonishes the Corinthians, "Flee fornication."  The better part of valor in such a case is, not to stay and try to fight the temptation, but, to "get you out."  Take heed, my fellow ministers, "considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted."  No man is so strong as he who knows when to flee!!!!!  "Flee youthful lusts."

Paul makes this more specific yet.  On the positive side, a man is to get himself a wife "in sanctification and honour," or, in purity and in an honourable way.  Negatively, he is not to procure one "in the lust of concupiscence," or, in lustful passion like the gentles who have no knowledge of God."  Cannot we say that the large divorce rate indicates that too many marriages are contracted "in lustful passion," rather than "in purity and honour?"  Do not the parties involved in the nuptials avow their faithfulness, not for love of the other person, but for what he or she might get from that one?  Is not this the primary reason the divorce follows in about two years?  God help the American people to love as God loves and as He would have us love, "in sanctification and honour."

Those who "know not God," cannot be expected to act properly in this regard, but of us who know Him through Jesus Christ, better things are expected.  Christian parents ought to know and teach their children that to choose a mate is serious business and should be a subject for fervent prayer, recognizing that God should be permitted to make the choice, witness the union, and sanctify the home.

The apostle narrows his subject still more.  He here refers to a popular practice in America:  wife stealing.  Paul says, "That no man overreach his brother in the matter" (margin).  Need more be said?  In many places it keeps the gossip columnists busy reporting on the many exchanges of mates:  some only rumored, some in the process, and some almost consummated in the courts.  To make it easy for a man to be a wife stealer, the government has permitted divorce on the most absurd grounds.  Preachers are a party to wife stealing when they perform the marriage ceremony for a divorcee.

It doesn't matter what I think of this sin nor yet what Paul thought of it.  Those who lightly dismiss this matter are responsible to God ultimately.

God revealed His mind on this when He spoke one night in a dream to Abimelech, king of Gerar, "Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man's wife."  Abimelech did it unwittingly; what of those who do it blatantly?  What of those who knowing the will of God transgress anyway?

Woe to those people who permit the flame of lustful passion to consume their minds till it is said of them, "the Lord Jesus shall be revealed . . . in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and  that  obey  not  the  gospel  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ"  (II Thessalonians 1:8).

"Marriage is honourable in all," declares the Bible, "and the bed undefiled," but even a good thing is often turned to evil.  The marriage bed, so long as it is sanctified and honorable, is good, but when filled with lustful passion it becomes a harlot's den.  "Whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."  (Hebrews 13:4)

Father, enable us, who have been "called" in Christ Jesus, to abstain from evil, yea, from every appearance of evil, as Thou hath "not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness."



Lie down, my soul--my own;
Recline and find thy rest
Amid the leaves of Holy Writ,
And thus thou shalt be blessed,
And fly away on eagles' wings to sit
With Christ upon His throne;
Lie down, my soul--my own.

Look 'round, my soul--my own;
See those who have not rest
Because they spurn God's Holy Writ,
And thus they shan't be blessed,
Nor fly away on eagles' wings to sit
With Christ upon His throne;
Look 'round, my soul--my own.

Rise up, my soul--my own;
Arise, show them thy rest
That they repair to Holy Writ,
And thus be truly blessed,
And fly with thee on eagles' wings to sit
With Christ upon His throne;
Rise up, my soul--my own.

-- a.e.g.